Complementary Therapies
Reiki. Relaxing and Therapeutic Massages.
Aura Cleaning and Chakras Harmonization. TaroTherapy

Jorge Benavides.
Paris, France.

Mobile: o7 60 86 86 38

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tarot is a pictographic language without known origins, a wordless book full of symbolisms that shows us the universe`s perfection, which is as inside as outside us, and it is our own construction.
We can give to Tarot orientatives and projectives uses, turning it into a great self knowing and personal growing tool. It teaches us how to analyze situations from other perspectives and help us understanding the wisdom in our lives, opening us to new possibilities.
Im not a clairvoyant nor psychic, I don`t pretend to surprise you guessing your past nor creating you a possible future. I just know the wonderful language of Tarot and I invite you to talk with it to analyze your experiences trough many prisms, to see how the past influences in your present and how you are projecting yourself into the future, to reveal what lays down your consciousness and looking for options to heal it.

Archetypal Healing

Archetypes are conduct patrons which we adopt conscious or unconsciously. Our lives are full of them: we can found them in tale`s and television`s personages, in the roles we daily represent, in people around us... The Tarot`s Major Arcana shows us 22 universal archetypes which can represent and orientate us on the diverse processes of our lives.
From my experience as a therapist, I decided to combine the properties of Tarot`s Arcana with Reiki`s energy in one therapy, oriented to stimulate the Tarot`s archetypes  in our energy system according to our processes. I had discovered that this two tools are complementaries and they improve themselves working together, reaching the patient more receptive states and favorable changes in the patterns of conduct in conflict.
Archetypal Healing is good to any psycho-emotional problem, as depression, stress, insomnia, mental overactivity, indecision, insecurity, etc. It`s very useful to cut obsolete emotional ties and to focus on self evolution.
Jorge Benavides.
07 60 86 86 38

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Reiki Sessions
Reiki is an ancestral system through which we canalize an universal healing energy. It is given through hands imposition after cleaning and harmonizing your Aura.
Reiki acts both on your energetic system and your physic body, helping in the evolution of physical and psico-emotional diseases, harmonizing all your aspects. It works directly on your energetic system making it stronger and selfsufficient, obtaining an adequate energetic fluidity.
I invite you to try this magic experience. If you have any doubts or commentaries please write to me.

Jorge Benavides.
07 60 86 86 38

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Energetic Massages
Since unmemorable times, human had used his hands to heal, based on the fact that all is Energy and all energy is canalizable. In oriental medicine, the concept TAO defines human as a totality in his self, is the proyection of the Universe that is inside and from which all is part.
Many filosophies conceive man as a spiritual being living a terrenal experiece, but it is very important not to give less importance to material body, by the contrary, we must find balance re-valorizing it, because it is the densest manifestation of our soul, emotions and thougts.
The occidental medicine pretends to eliminate synthoms without diving on the true energetic causes, instead, holistic or oriental medicine tries to look for the essential reasons of why we get sick, subliming our problems by understanding them from their roots. It is fundamental to go to the origin of the desease to work it from the bottom, from its psycho-emotional aspects, and try to not fight synthoms with chemicals, because surely they will come back.
The Energetic Massage helps us to recover our body's natural energetic and blood flow, it also helps us relieving muscular tension, relaxing our mind and awaking our consciousness, so we can dive inside us with more clarity. For that, it is very important the internal contact, to feel our skin, to be conscious of our organs and their processes.
Fusioning Tibetan Massage with Reflexology, Chinese Accupress, and Linfatic Drainig techniques; boosting your energetic and inmune system with Reiki and Aromatherapy, you get into deep states of relaxation, balancing the contact between your physical body and your superior being.
Jorge Benavides.
07 60 86 86 38